Contributions to national and international scientific meetings (selection)
- Journées Annuelles de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (Paris, 29-31/1/2024): Beaudet A. et al. – “L’enfant de Taung” a 100 ans : un siècle de recherche sur le cerveau d’Australopithecus.
- 14th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Zagreb, 11-15/9/2024): Beaudet A. et al. – New hominin cranial remains from the Shungura Formation, Lower Omo Valley (Ethiopia).
- 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists (Los Angeles, 20-23/3/2024): Beaudet A. et al. – Virtual reconstruction of the StW 573 Australopithecus skull.
- Journées Annuelles de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (Bordeaux, 24-26/1/2024): Beaudet A. et al. – Identification de deux corps vertébraux du site de Cooper’s Cave D (Afrique du Sud) : l’organisation du réseau trabéculaire comme source de caractères diagnostiques.
- 13th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Aarhus, 21-23/9/2023): Beaudet A. et al. – Positional behavior in African Miocene hominoids: new insights from the first cervical vertebrae of Otavipithecus and Nacholapithecus.
- 3rd Biennial Meeting of Cortical Evolution (Burgos, 21-23/6/2023): Beaudet A. & de Jager E. – Broca’s area, variation and taxic diversity in early Homo from Koobi Fora (Kenya).
- 12th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Tübingen, 22-24/9/2022): Beaudet A. – Interpreting morphological variation within the Australopithecus assemblage from Sterkfontein Member 4 (South Africa): where do we stand?
- Journées Annuelles de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (online, 26-28/1/2022): Beaudet A. – L’endocrâne de Border Cave 1 (Afrique du Sud) : quelle implication pour l’histoire évolutive du cerveau humain ?
- Human Evolution – From Fossils to Ancient and Modern Genomes (online, 2-4/11/2021): Beaudet A. et al. – A revision of the Border Cave 1 cranium.
- Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (online, 17-19/9/2021): Beaudet A. et al. – Mapping the brain of fossil hominins: the EndoMap project.
- Journées Annuelles de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (online, 27-29/1/2021): Beaudet A. – Une ou plusieurs espèces d’Australopithecus à Sterkfontein (Afrique du Sud) ? Comment interpréter la diversité morphologique dans le registre fossile.
- 10th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (online, 24-25/9/2020) : Beaudet A. et al. – Vertebral trabecular bone structure in Homo, Pan and Papio: implications for the identification and biomechanical interpretation of early hominin vertebrae.
- Annual Meeting of the Anatomical Society of Southern Africa (Pilanesberg, 7-10/04/2019): Beaudet A. et al. – Human evolution in South Africa: from bone collections to human origins.
- 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Cleveland, 27-30/03/2019): Beaudet A. et al. – The atlas of the Australopithecus specimen StW 573 (“Little Foot”).
- Journées Annuelles de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (Paris, 23-25/01/2019): Beaudet A. – Paléobiodiversité et évolution des hominines du Plio-Pléistocène à Sterkfontein, Afrique du Sud.
- 8th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Faro, 13-15/9/2018): Beaudet A. et al. – Exploring the inner cranial anatomy of “Little Foot”: a comparative study of the endocast, and of the bony labyrinth.
- 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Austin, 11-14/4/2018): Beaudet A. et al. – The taxonomic diagnosis of the StW 578 cranium from Jacovec Cavern, Gauteng (South Africa): integrating inner and outer morphology.
- Annual Meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society (Austin, 10-11/4/2018): Beaudet A. et al. – Hominin cranial fragments from Milner Hall, Sterkfontein, South Africa.
- Journées Annuelles de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (Poitiers, 24-26/1/2018): Beaudet A. – Comment reconstruire l’histoire évolutive du cerveau hominine à partir du registre fossile ? Limites et perspectives en paléoneurologie humaine.
- 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Leyde, 21-23/9/2017): Beaudet A. et al. – Cranial vault thickness variation and inner structural organization in Plio-Pleistocene hominids from Sterkfontein Caves, South Africa.
- The 3rd Imaging with Radiation conference (Johannesburg, 14-15/9/2017): Beaudet A. & De Beer F. – The contribution of X-ray microtomography in reconstructing primate evolutionary history: examples of applications to the South African fossil record.
- 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (New-Orleans, 19-22/4/2017): Beaudet A. & Bruner E. – A deformation-based approach to the frontal lobe morphology in OH9, UA 31 and Bodo.
- Annual Meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society (Vancouver, 28-29/3/2017): Beaudet A. et al. – A high resolution microtomographic study of the StW 578 Pliocene hominid vranium from Sterkfontein Cave.
- 6th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Madrid, 14-18/9/2016): Beaudet A. et al. – Morphoarchitectural variation in the extant human endocast.
- 19th Biennial Meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Southern Africa (Stellenbosch, 4-9/7/2016): Beaudet A. et al. – Early hominin brain evolution: extracting paleoneurological evidence from the fossil record.
- 85th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Atlanta, 13-16/4/2016): Beaudet A. et al. – Reconstructing early hominin brain evolution from South African Australopithecus endocasts.
- The African Human Fossil Record (Toulouse, 26-27/9/2014): Beaudet A. et al. – Identification of Homo-like features in virtually rendered South African australopith endocasts.
- 4th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Florence, 18-20/9/2014): Beaudet A. et al. – Time-related changes in fossil cercopithecoid inner craniodental structures and chronological seriation of South African hominin-bearing sites.
- 83th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Calgary, 8-12/4/2014): Beaudet A. et al. – Full sequence dating of South African early hominin units based on new cercopithecoid chronological markers.
- 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Vienna, 19-21/9/2013): Beaudet A. et al. – The Neanderthal patella: topographic bone distribution and inner structural organization.
- 2nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (Bordeaux, 21-22/9/2012): Beaudet A. et al. – Locomotion-related patterns of cortico-trabecular bone organization beneath the tibial plateau in extant humans, Pan, and Papio: a 2-3D high-resolution analytical approach.
Invited talks in scientific meetings (selection)
- Modalities of the Homo genus appearance in southern African paleokarsts (Botswana, 9-10/12/2024): Hominin evolution in southern Africa: new perspectives.
- Symposium entitled “From Anatomy to Behaviour” (Cambridge, 16-17/1/2025): Integrating outer and inner morphology of fossil primate postcranial remains.
- 6e édition du Colloque Annuel du Département d’Anthropologie de l’UdeM (Montreal, 18-20/3/2024): Le concept d’espèce en paléotonlogie humaine : frontière réelle ou arbitraire ?
- Symposium entitled “Les héritiers de Lucy/Lucy’s Heirs” (Paris, 15-16/6/2023): Une, deux, ou trois espèces d’Australopithecus en Afrique australe ? La diversité taxinomique au temps de « Lucy ».
- Symposium in“Beyond Bones: Applying innovative scientific approaches to paleontology and archaeology” (Trieste, 11/10/2023): Insights from the inside: imaging techniques applied to biological anthropology.
- The Garrod Research Seminars of the Department of Archaeology of the University of Cambridge (online, 5/11/2020) : Australopithecus from Sterkfontein Caves (South Africa): An evolutionary species?
- Seminar entitled “The Evolution of the brain, from pre-mammalian reptiles to humans” à l’Origins Centre (Johannesburg, 11/8/2018): Human brain evolution: what can fossils tell us?